Arbitrage and eBay

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New member
Aug 14, 2006
I'm thinking of setting up an arbitrage site with eBay targetted ads on it. Has anyone else tried this? It kind of makes sense to me, but I don't know if the 3rd tier traffic will convert. At least I can guarantee that my ads will be want I want them to be.

*I know some people may not think this is arbitrage. Didn't know what else to call it.

How come some of the icons don't work? N/M, if you edit your post they work.

Oh, have to do it. My wife has this niche idea that is actually a good one and I will be back to:love-smiley-086: if I don't set something up for it. Thanks for the reply. I'll get it up this week or this weekend and post back with the results.

My thinking is that almost everyone and their mom is signed up with e-bay, so if they click on my ad, I get paid for anything they buy in the next month even if it isn't what my ad showed. I am understanding this correctly right?
I think the cookie is 7 days for existing members, and 30 days for new sign-ups.
Got anxious and thought of another idea, so I went ahead and set it up during the shoemoney show. I'll let you know how it is working after a couple of days. Have to wait until my keywords get approved, which is always a good time.
Jdog, the problem you are going to run into is price. I think you are going to have a hard time finding traffic on tier 2 engines that will buy from ebay. I would set up in adwords for cheap as well as searchfeed, 7search and test that way. good luck this was my next market. I think there is real money to be made here. but like most things there are issues!
I agree with you. I have an overture campaign that will be going once approved, I threw it on 7search just to try (and they don't manually approve), also going to try clicksor. Keywords are actually cheap on all three, so I am hopefull. Item sells for around $100 on eBay, so we'll see.
Ok, quick update for those that care. I ran through a little over $20 in traffic yesterday via yahoo and $2 through 7search. I recieved 155 clicks on my ebay ads and had 2 signups. One has activated their account, so I got paid $12 and once the other one activates and bids I will get my other $12. Other than that I haven't made anything, but I would think some of those out of the 155 will convert. I know it takes at the minimum of a day to report the commision to CJ. Worst case scenario I lost $10.
Ok, quick update for those that care. I ran through a little over $20 in traffic yesterday via yahoo and $2 through 7search. I recieved 155 clicks on my ebay ads and had 2 signups. One has activated their account, so I got paid $12 and once the other one activates and bids I will get my other $12. Other than that I haven't made anything, but I would think some of those out of the 155 will convert. I know it takes at the minimum of a day to report the commision to CJ. Worst case scenario I lost $10.
to get credit for a sign up, do I need to link to a specific page or a generic ebay link will do?
155 clicks, $24, that averages out to 15 cents a click. How would you do with Adsense or YPN?
I messed with eBay arbitrage a while back. It's hard to track and to know if you are really covering your costs. However, I think if you can send people to expensive enough stuff, you can do well. The annoying part is that auctions often times don't end for a few days, and the person you send to ebay has to WIN the auction for you to get paid. It's a lot of variables that are working against you, but if you can get it going, there is a lot of potential there.

The real opportunity is in sending people to eBay from organic stuff, but that's nothing new.
155 clicks, $24, that averages out to 15 cents a click. How would you do with Adsense or YPN?

Agreed, but I'm hoping that some of those 155 clicks convert to sales over the next couple of days. I'm assuming that most of them would bid on an auction that ends in a day or two and I don't get paid until the transaction goes through, so there is a lagtime. Just trying something new to say I did it.
I messed with eBay arbitrage a while back. It's hard to track and to know if you are really covering your costs. However, I think if you can send people to expensive enough stuff, you can do well. The annoying part is that auctions often times don't end for a few days, and the person you send to ebay has to WIN the auction for you to get paid. It's a lot of variables that are working against you, but if you can get it going, there is a lot of potential there.

The real opportunity is in sending people to eBay from organic stuff, but that's nothing new.

I can already tell I don't like doing it because of those reasons, I want to know if it's working now. I'm doing it for the experience more than anything.
Jdog, do you think using shoemoney ads would make a difference from what Blackbeard found? or Blackbeard did you use shoemoney ads? also what if you could get free clicks JDOG do you think that would be worth it?
to get credit for a sign up, do I need to link to a specific page or a generic ebay link will do?

They have a lot of different options. Sign up with them through CJ and you can see their generic banners. And after that you can go to and start looking at all of the different things they have. I have just used the editor kit to push the results of a very specific search. You can go to to see a myspace site that has a banner based on the editor kit.
Jdog, do you think using shoemoney ads would make a difference from what Blackbeard found? or Blackbeard did you use shoemoney ads? also what if you could get free clicks JDOG do you think that would be worth it?

Free clicks would definitely be worth it, but I am only paying like $.15/click for this on yahoo. I don't know about shoemoney's deal, but I am pushing a specific item, so I don't think it would help much.
Ok, CJ's "realtime" reporting just updated from 5 hours ago and I have made $42 so far. So basically I doubled my money, and I'm pretty sure some more will roll in from it.

So I think I'll keep going with it for a while.

Hell yeah, a positive post for my 400th!
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