Arbi Layout?

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Turbocharged, Bitch
Feb 11, 2007
With the sheer amount of information about arbi on WF I've decided to jump into the fray and test $47 worth of 7serach to AdSense arbi.

Now, I've got a layout made and whatever... I just want to get some opinions on conversion and whatnot.

Attached is an image... any thoughts?



thats similar to my layout. im running a 50% ctr. even though i dont know what the hell im doing

you can pm me or get on IM. im new to arb. maybe we can help each other :)
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Yea. looks good. you might want to try a banner ad block at the end too in case they read to the bottom but dont like your site and want to leave, give them an option to go down there too.

Done and done. I'll throw it up as soon as Google approves my account.

BTW- you've been really helpful +rep :)
yea, if using the big rectangle ad, put it under the image on the left and have text go down the side of the image and the ad so it blends it all in. or put the ad above the image. and remove the long ad at the top. also, try to keep your page from having to scroll. this will help only needing to put 1 ad on the page, so you get the highest paying ads to show up in that block.
yea, if using the big rectangle ad, put it under the image on the left and have text go down the side of the image and the ad so it blends it all in. or put the ad above the image. and remove the long ad at the top. also, try to keep your page from having to scroll. this will help only needing to put 1 ad on the page, so you get the highest paying ads to show up in that block.

Can you show an example?
excatly what ad box is that one? should the image be the same size?:D
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Alright, I'll try them both and see which ones gets a higher CTR.

I don't want to get nailed by Google so I'm trying to look as legit as possible :)
good. remove the ad box from the bottom though. there will be no need for two blocks since they will still be able to see the first block when they scroll all the way down. Also, the bg of the ad block on the left should be white to blend with the site and the title, you can try an offshade of blue, not the 0000FF blue, but like a softer blue, or red. also, switch up and try orange, or something else, just to see how well they work. diff colors make differences in ctr.
like [R]DeVore said...i would shorten it up a bit so once the vistors comes to your page he'll see all the ads and content.

This keeps the vistors from scrolling down, later finding that the site doesn't provide what he was looking for and click the back button.

Alright a bit confused...

If they don't scroll down won't they realize it's garbage anyway? Why would they be less likely to hit the back button?
Alright a bit confused...

If they don't scroll down won't they realize it's garbage anyway? Why would they be less likely to hit the back button?

because once they see your page and notice that its all there is, the ads would be right there in their face saying click me

where as scrolling down loses the visitors focus on the ads...

i know i confuse myself too sometimes
because once they see your page and notice that its all there is, the ads would be right there in their face saying click me

where as scrolling down loses the visitors focus on the ads...

i know i confuse myself too sometimes

Cool that makes a bit more sense to me :)

Thanks :)

PS - 100th post!
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