Generating Adult Affiliate Income

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Jul 12, 2006
Michigan, USA
This post is going to cover some development and design issues with creating an adult website and also how to generate some income with the website. I will be placing links to affiliates I work with daily, so if you do signup under any of my links, I will get paid after you make a certain number of sales. If you do not wish to signup under me, contact me and I will send you the regular links without the referral links.

First off, when starting an adult site, the domain name is a KEY ELEMENT in if your site will grow or not. With regular safe for work websites, the domain name helps in branding, but not as much in adult websites in my opinion. If you have a website that looks like this ( and a site like this ( which one do you think people will remember more? Exactly! is short and brandable and easy for people to remember if they need to come back. I would recommend keeping a short domain, but domains like are also good because of the brandability and the factor that they are easy to remember.

Now, onto the designing factor of the adult website. You will want to make sure your design reflects your website name. If you have a lesbian site name, you do not want a whole lot of male pictures floating about it. Pink and purple would do well for a lesbian website. Also, keeping the website light and not full of tons of graphics for the layout will help because loading a site with 25 images PLUS all of the banners and advertisements will kill the load time and people will leave quick. This is where my web two point oh article can come into play.

After the design is complete, you need a good script to put into it. You can use a link dump script, or you can use babelogger v3 which is a great script by 13scripts. For 50.00 you cannot beat the price. It tracks your hits out for each link you post, and you can do various great things with it (see Viddex to see it in action). I would NOT recommend doing all of your updates by hand in HTML. This will be clear once you trade traffic in the future.
* sidenote: if you need help designing a good adult layout that converts, or installing the babelogger script into it, Contact Me via PM and I will help you out for a low, low price.
After you get your design done and your script added to it, you need to find affiliates to promote. All adult affiliates will have hosted content for you to link to, as well as banners, and free videos/pictures for you to download and host on your website. The following adult affiliates are the ones I actively promote:Once you have signed up for each of these affiliates, you will now be able to gather banners for your website to generate those sales! I would not recommend throwing 20 banners on your site though. Surfers are not dumb, as with SFW websites, the NSFW (not safe for work) crowd also needs to manipulate their ads. What I do normally, is put a spot on the site like “Chosen Ones” you can view on Viddex Videos top right corner. Each of these images link to my affiliates. They are not regular ads though like the ones under it, so they generally get more clicks. Each picture in the Chosen Ones area links to a different hosted gallery on my affiliates website.

After you get those affiliate banners and links placed on your website, NOW is the time to start driving some traffic to it. You can do this with by buying text links on adult sites, which I occasionally do, or you can ‘trade traffic’ with other adult websites. The two forums I frequent the most to do this is IQ69 and CFUS. There are areas for NSFW traffic trading on each of these forums. Trading traffic is simple. you “PLUG” (or post a link to their site from yours) and then they will trade that link by plugging your site back. The beauty of the babelogger v3 script I mentioned earlier is that people can register an account on your site to plug their content so you don’t have to plug their content every day.

Now, a lot of people are looking to trade traffic with sites that can send them traffic, and not just a brand new site that has 000000 on all of their plugs. So, to get some traffic, buy some, and also plug on a couple sites which allow the first plug for free (after the first plug you need to send them 70% traffic or more in order for the next plugs to be approved). The websites I plug on to start my sites out are the following: Kinxxx and Linx69. They both allow the first link free and each send 1K or more hits. Now, to plug something on their site, you need to setup a video on a page of your site, or a gallery (see viddex video 1 or hijinxxx gallery 1 to see how these should look). Once you get your galleries and videos up on your site, THEN you can plug them, but do not plug them until you have plugged 5-6 other sites you find on cfus and iq69. These two sites have traffic trades up, so find a couple sites, plug their sites on your site, and THEN plug your gallery/video at kinxxx and linx69.

The reason you plug the other sites on your site FIRST is because you want the traffic coming from Kinxxx and Linx69 to go out to the plugs you have up, so you can get in good with those sites and they will plug you back. After the first day, they see 50-100 hits coming from you, they will plug you back, and then all traffic trading will become easier to maintain.
A few things to remember:
  1. Always put a link to your affiliate under the gallery / video you have on your website. If someone likes that picture set or video they will want to see more and you will want to get paid
  2. FLING from nastydollars has done GREAT for me with their picture ads (seen on the left side of viddex). Conversions are 1:300 normally which is awesome for adult.
  3. Never try to cheat someone out of traffic. You will ruin your name QUICK in the adult industry and noone will do anything with you / for you.
  4. Always remember to update DAILY. For one, the serps love it, and the porn viewers love it as well.
  5. Leave a spot for people to bookmark your site on the TOP area of your site. This way, you keep those visitors and they keep coming back and then BUY something.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact me via email. I will reply to all emails. I am not saying I am the richest guy in the world from adult sites, but I have made a few K since I started a couple months ago. There is money to be made in porn and if I found this guide when I started, I would be way ahead of the game.


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Good post, but there are a slew of other things to take in to consideration... Before anyone jumps in to adult, take a good hard look at 18 USC 2257 and HR 4472. There are ways to make a highly productive site without having to deal with record keeping requirements.

Also, make sure to use a host that can handle the bandwidth. As your site grows in popularity, your bandwidth usage will skyrocket. I had a high volume site doing just over 2TB of tranfer a month last summer, make sure you're equipped for it, overage charges are a bitch.

As DeVore mentioned, a good babelog site is a good way to start. In addition to the babelog script he mentioned ( all of the scripts from the 13scripts folks are great btw) below you could also use a combination of WordPress and the ZippedSites Plugins ZippedBlog and TGP Press.

Also, learn effective traffic trading. Use a good traffic trading script thats coded in C, you dont want something slowing down your site and effecting the user's experience. I like TTT C, you can get it from Choker Traffic.

Learn how to monetize every last click, adult is not an easy business, but there is still some money to be made there.

DeVore, where in Michigan are you? I'm always interested in meeting other local folks...
Good reply. The 18 USC 2257 shit is has been crazy, but all of the affiliates I listed do keep those records on file, and setting up a page on your site linking to all of your affiliates 18 USC 2257 pages is also a good idea.

I will be checking out the zippedsites plugins link you dropped, I have a site im doing in wordpress that might need that.

The Bandwidth is a BIG issue, but until you hit around 20K or more uniques per day, I would not worry about it. I run on dreamhost and had a site up to 6K per day, and had no problem with the hosting (even though dreamhost is stupid and horrible lol).

I'm in the downriver area. PM me if you want more specific location. lol
I have a lot of sites on Dreamhost as well, I have a love/hate relationship with them. For static sites, it works fine, it a little slow for anything dynamic... I tried setting up RoboTGP on there just to try it out, and it was too slow for that (DH's non-standard php.ini didnt help either)
it might help you... you can use one of their gallery feeds to fill up a blog with content, but its not unique content, so I would import a few dozen posts from there and then write your own content after that
Ok, but where do I found content after that?

Just random places?

whatever affiliate program you're promoting will have content for you to use. You can then use the provided images alongside your blog copy... You can write the copy yourself or hire someone (shameless plug:: My fiance is a copy writer, you can reach her on ICQ:470693425, Her name is Kari and she handles copy for quite a few blog networks) to do the writing for you. After that its just standard blog & ping with some traffic trading thrown in.
Ok, but where do I found content after that?

Just random places?

Try , tons of models will work out a deal with you for pictures so you can have hot exclusive content, but it will cost $$ , but hot exclusive content will sell more then whats given to you by the companies you would promote
Very nice... +rep

Btw, what is your experience with the MaximumCash affiliate? So far I've done a little testing with them, but it seems they don't convert very well. They do provide a "create-a-site" (sort of whitelabeling) GUI and all. converts well for me, the trick with them is to go on and see whos a top model ect, then base getting traffic off of those top models names
Try , tons of models will work out a deal with you for pictures so you can have hot exclusive content, but it will cost $$ , but hot exclusive content will sell more then whats given to you by the companies you would promote

Yea, theres a lot of places that sell exclusive content. I haven't bought any yet, but honestly, if you have 5-6 affiliates you are signed up for, and you put up 2 galleries per day on your site, you have at LEAST a years content to post before you run out, and then by then, the affiliates have a years worth of NEW content, so essentially youll never run out.

Nasty Dollars has about 20 sites, and each site has about 100 or so galleries, and thats just the ONE affiliate. same with Spunky Cash, ect.

I have not tried them out yet so I could not comment on them. I will say to avoid TopBucks and Hundies. both do not convert well at all.

NastyDollars provides a gallery builder as well as the other affiliates.

that's weird, i've found topbucks converts great for me, and also has great retention (which is important since i do revshare).
I've had a lot of luck promoting adult email submits and got lucky with a few CCBill blog links, but I haven't tried out other adult programs yet. Mostly I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that there are people who actually pay for porn when the free stuff is abundantly available and easy to find.

I don't get it - help me understand the mind of an Internet porn buyer.
I've had a lot of luck promoting adult email submits and got lucky with a few CCBill blog links, but I haven't tried out other adult programs yet. Mostly I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that there are people who actually pay for porn when the free stuff is abundantly available and easy to find.

I don't get it - help me understand the mind of an Internet porn buyer.

convenience + no spyware to worry about all for under $1/day
It's hard to make money in the porn affiliate business these days...unless you target new low competition keywords...It's hard to find them.. I have targetted a couple by pointing link juice from a private link network i own to a affiliate page, i rank # 1 for around 10 high searched for niche porn keywords ( with low competition ), and im seeing 4-5 sales a day from bangbros.
Very nice... +rep

Btw, what is your experience with the MaximumCash affiliate? So far I've done a little testing with them, but it seems they don't convert very well. They do provide a "create-a-site" (sort of whitelabeling) GUI and all.

I've used them off and on for 7 years. They have always paid. Conversions really seem to depend on what site you're promoting for them. Kara's has done well for me sometimes, but never as well as other programs out there.
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